Friday, October 30, 2009

Monday's sessions! + Music sessions?....

Hi Everybody,

We finally got allocated the slot on Mondays from 19h30 to 21h in the Common room of Darwin College... although there is no problem staying a bit longer and playing some instruments!

See you there!

BTW, we had a nice almost spontaneous music session last Sunday in the Newham seminar room and then we moved to the bar, where the rhythms caused sensation ;) There is no defined schedule for the music sessions yet. I am trying to get a fix slot on the seminar 1. I like spontaneous sessions as they tend to be more energetic, so don't hesitate to drop a mail if you feel like practicing berimbau or pandeiro. 

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Capoeira Angola .... happening in Cambridge

Hi out there!

I've just arrived to London and I found that there are no Capoeira Angola groups in Cambridge... so why not just create one? ;)

Why Capoeira Angola?... Very simple, because:
  • it is a slow motion martial art.
  • it is a dance that allows you to express yourself.
  • it is a way to communicate with others and with yourself.
  • it keeps you fit and make you become aware of your body.
  • you learn to move, to play music (nice weird instruments) and to sing.
  • you learn about a social movement against repression.
and above everything because it is great fun!

The idea is to be a group of people sharing and learning some Capoeira Angola and Afro-Brazilian culture. So we will focus on having fun while finding our roots ;) Capoeira sessions will usually include movements, live music and a rodinha at the end of it.

Just bring good mood, a lot of energy and willingness to learn.
Sessions are free. Everybody is welcome to join us!
@ Darwin College - common room between 18h30-20h30, Day TBC.

For any enquiries, please use any o the following:
t: Aleix 0785 3188 564