Dear Mandingueir@s,
sorry for the late notice. The Session for this Wednesday @ Romsey Mill Centre has been rescheduled. We will start at 7h30 and finish at 9ish.
Music, Movements and lots of fun as usual !
Please refresh the songs we learned on monday (The following are short extracts of the songs, you can find more lead lines here.) Enjoy!
boa viagem
Adeus (Bye)
boa viagem (Bon voyage)
adeus, adeu
boa viagem
eu vou (I go)
boa viagem
eu vou, eu vou
Sinho Sao Bento
a cobra me morde (A cobra bites me)
Sinho Sao Bento (Sir Saint Benedict)
a cobra mordeu (A cobra has bitten)
Sinho Sao Bento
Sao Bento me chama
Sao Bento me chama (Saint Benedict calls me)
Sao Bento chamou (Saint Benedict has called)