Tuesday, April 27, 2010

This wednesday rescheduled

Dear Mandingueir@s,

sorry for the late notice. The Session for this Wednesday @ Romsey Mill Centre has been rescheduled. We will start at 7h30 and finish at 9ish.
Music, Movements and lots of fun as usual !

Please refresh the songs we learned on monday (The following are short extracts of the songs, you can find more lead lines  here.) Enjoy!

boa viagem
Adeus (Bye)
boa viagem (Bon voyage)
adeus, adeu
boa viagem
eu vou (I go)
boa viagem
eu vou, eu vou

Sinho Sao Bento 
a cobra me morde (A cobra bites me)
Sinho Sao Bento (Sir Saint Benedict)
a cobra mordeu (A cobra has bitten)
Sinho Sao Bento

Sao Bento me chama  
Sao Bento me chama (Saint Benedict calls me)
Sao Bento chamou (Saint Benedict has called)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Capoeira Angola Newsletter

Dear Angoleir@s,

1 - Weekly trainings
2 - Songs
3 - Soul 4 soul Gig
4 - ZumZumZum workshop in London (Marazul + Angoleiros do Mar + Guests)

1 - This week trainings as usual:
  • monday - Darwin: 18h45 for a 19h start
  • wednesday - Romsey Mill Centre: 18h15 for 18h30 start.
  • Saturday - Darwin from 1 to 3.

2 - We are trying to boost the bateria... which is really improving. Congratulations to all!
We have been revising: Camungere, Tim tim tim la vai viola, Santo Antonio E Protetor, O la lai, Chora capoeira
This week more: eu sou angoleiro, boa viagem, Sinho Sao Bento, Sao Bento me chama. From the photocopies or check here.

3 - Paul is bringing some "Soul 4 Soul" at LaRaza this Friday together with Bijoumiyo. A lot of great funky artists in the same spot. Check it here and poster attached.

4 - Very big workshop.... maybe too big for a weekend.... Definitely a huge congregations of Professores and Mestres on the 14,15,16 May in London. Check the attached flyer.
I just know 2 Mestres and 2 Prof from there but looks a good event to get in contact with the London Angola scene. Check it here.

Have a good week!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Capoeira Angola Newsletter - Lots of fun!

Dear All,

1 - This Week schedule - Romsey is BACK!
2 - Street Rodas' season starting soon
3 - Dance Offensive strikes London 1-3 May
4 - Beautiful songs


1 - Monday @ Darwin 6.45 to 9.
Wednesday @ Romsey Mill Ctre 6.15 to 8.30
Saturday - Cannot play @ darwin
We will putting more emphasis on music (and other game aspects) to be able to perform street rodas soon

2 - Weather is getting better and the Bateria is improving a lot. So we can start thinking about nice spots to have streets rodas. We started a map, here feel free to suggest more spots. You can get inspired with the picture of last Sunday in Brick Lane, London @ 4pm. It was a bit cold but great fun!

3 - Our Dance Offensive friends (Aaron and Tom) are raiding London on the 1st WE of May under Paul's direction. For a great show, check more infos here. Or of you are interested on similar activities in Cambridge, check here.

4 - Check song 19 and revise songs 3, 4, and 20 from the Nzinga CD - We need to know the songs properly before " sair pelo mundo afora"! :) Lyrics here.

Ate logo!

Brick Ln, London. Sunday 11th

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wednesdays training at the Shop! (7th and 14th April)

Dear All,

We managed to get the Shop rented for 2h tomorrow 7th April and next week (14th April). We will have to pay a small fee depending to cover the rent (between 2 and 4 pounds depending on how many people we are). This is even more in Jesus Lane - city centre, exactly here.  From 7 to 9pm.

Music, movements and rodinha as usual!

Ate pronto!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Monday training

Dear all,

It is great to find Angoleir@s who are still around and motivated pra jogar e tocar. Hence we'll have normal training at Darwin at 7 as usual -music and moves.

Happy Easter!