Sunday, October 24, 2010

Capoeira Angola: Schedule for the week (Wed OFF, Beginner workshop reminder)

Oi Mandingueir@s,

This week:
Monday - 7 to 9pm - Darwin College. Please come at 6.30 to prepare the space and the orchestra specially to make the most of the class as Wednesday is off. Aleix (Tartaruga) will be giving the class.
Wednesday - OFF. 
Thursday (Beginner workshop) as last week. This session is restricted to the people who attended the previous one. If you are a beginner and wanna join, please drop an email..
Saturday - 1-3pm - Darwin TBC - we are trying to get the space sorted, please drop email if interested.

For the music part, we have been singing: Sao bento me chama, chora menino, o la lae, paranaue,....drop an email if you are interested in having the lyrics. 

Até amanhá!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Beginner Workshop this Thursday - Please Confirm or register

Dear All,

Quem nunca viu, venha ver! - Venha ver, venha aprender! 

The time has come for the Capoeira Angola beginner workshop!! Are you ready for loads of fun, laughs, music, excitement, acrobatics, expression and joy? 

The workshop will run over 2 days: This Thursday 21Oct and next Thursday 28 Oct. (10 pounds for both days)
It will be from 7 to 9pm, at St Paul's Centre, Hills Rd. Exactly here.
A tshirt, long trousers, comfi trainers and a bottle of water will be enough to survive the 2 hours of great fun ;) 

Please confirm your attendance by sending an email or get registered if you hadn't. 

Thanks e até quinta feira.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Special guest + beginners' workshop! - Capoeira Angola Cambridge

Dear Angoleir@s,

We hope you are all prepared for next week, especially after the nice workout of Wednesday (omg, I still feel my legs.... ;) )

This Monday we have a special guest who will be teaching the class: Brian from Balanço Negro, currently teaching in Kenya. Tshirts available!
On Mondays we will focus more on music and  then movements, and even make a rodinha if time allows. 
Monday: 7-9pm - Darwin college, common room

Wednesday: 6.30-8.30 - Romsey mill centre.

THURSDAY: beginner workshop at St Pauls, Hills road,(map here), 7 to 9pm. The nicest introduction to Capoeira: music, moves and history mixed with good vibes and malandragem, yeah! Everybody is welcome! 

We are afraid that this Saturday 16th and next 23rd, Darwin College is not available for training.

Now you can join the facebook group here!

Até logo!

Friday, October 8, 2010

This Saturday OFF - Cambridge alternative

Dear all,

I am afraid this Saturday we cannot use the space at Darwin. However, Senzala Cambridge (M. Gato) is having a batizado from tonight to sunday.
Mestre Carlao who teaches Capoeira Angola in London @ Kabula will be attending (and probably teaching) on Saturday.

Otherwise next Monday classes resume normally on Monday and Wednesday.

See you soon!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

This week schedule - Capoeira Angola

Dear all,

Monday session as usual from 7 to 9pm
Wednesday no class.
Saturday: self training 1 to 3pm

See you!