Thursday, May 27, 2010

Capoeira Angola: music + saturday off + monday on

Dear Angoleir@s,

This Wednesday we learnt "Manteiga Derramou" - song number 31 from  Nzinga CD. The ones who weren't there have no excuse not to learn it :)

For Saturday: if you want to train drop an email b4 Friday, otherwise session is cancelled.

For Monday: Session is ON even if Bank holiday.

Have a nice week end!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

M Valmir from FICA is coming to London!!

Dear Cambridge Angoleir@s,

Please find a nice example of an inter-group partnership in London. M Valmir is a co-founder of FICA, a well established world-wide group. See email below.
Should we go next WE? :-) (On Saturdays at Kabula there is street roda in Camden Lock.)


Hello everybody! Bom Dia a todos

M Valmir from FICA is coming to London!! He will be on:

M Valmir esta vindo para londer ele vai estar no:

Monday 24th at KABULA Stockwell YMCA on stockwell road 7.00pm 9.00pm. more info 07989480594

Wednesday 26th at Grupo de Capoeira Angola London - 26th of May from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at The Claremont Project 24-27 White Lion St London N1 9PD Angel tube station Buses: 73, 214, 205, 476, 30, 38...

Thursday at Grupo de Capoeira Angola Nottingham - 27th of May from 6.00pm to 9.00pm at Thomas Helyws Church, Church St. Lenton Nottingham Contact phone Juliet 07903114248

Friday 28th He will visit the Marazul Roda with Mestre Joazinho

Satuday 29th at Kabula near Chalk Farm tube (Thanet Centre in Herbert Street) 1.00pm to 4.00pm

Sunday at Amazonas 30th of May from 1pm-3.30pm at Hargrave Park School, Bredgar Rd. N19 5JN (Nearest Tube is Archway or Tufnell Park), Buses: C11, 134, 171, 2, 243, 17.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Capoeira Angola Newsletter - video screening + berimbau workshop + training

Dear Angoleir@s,

Just to let you know that the workshop Zumzumzum in London was Ammmaaaaaazing!!!!!!!! more infos and pics soon.

This week:
1 - Film screening: O-Zelador - Registration required.
2 - Berimbau workshop on Sat
3 - Trainings

1 - Film screening: O-Zelador - Registration required.
This Friday @ 7pm in the Darwin TV room - free. It is not a big room so please register here, otherwise we cannot warranty a sit. All Capoeiristas are more than welcome, non-Capoeiristas welcome as well! The more diverse we are, the more enriching the experience will be! 
This film is a documentary that illustrates perfectly where capoeira comes from and which role it can play in some societies. See the trailer here.

2 - Berimbau workshop this saturday. 
After the training we will take some time to learn how to maintain your berimbau (and the dos and donts). Bring the following tools, otherwise you cannot practice which is the important bit.
- 1 Lineman's pliers (US English), also called combination plier (2 is much better)
- steel wire of 1mm (can be 0.9mm) - (called piano wire as well) You can buy a packet of 100grams (several meters) for 3-5pounds. At least bring 2m.
- steel file - rather small if possible.
- Linseed oil (optional)
- your berimbau if you have one - come even if you have not one!

3 - Trainings
Mon  6.45 - 9 @ Darwin
Wed  6.15 - 8.30 @ Romsey
Sat    1 - 3 @ Darwin

We'll keep on boosting the bateria so learn the songs before coming! :-)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Capoeira Angola Newsletter - pictures, instruments and workshops

Dear Angoleir@s,

Spring seems to fade away but at least here comes Capoeira to warm our souls ;-)

1 - Past Weekend event
2 - Music instruments have arrived!
3 - This week sessions
4 - This week-end: Amazing workshops in London.


1 - Past Weekend event

This past week-end Negaca had hosted a nice event where all Cambridge groups have been more than welcome. Let's try to keep the spirit and build up a larger Capoeira community in Cambridge with more events and street rodas! See below some pictures of the Batizado ceremony.

2 - Music instruments have arrived!

Finally, after being trapped 2 extra weeks due to flying volcano ashes, a new pandeiro and reco-reco arrived. Thanks to all for your kind donations. Another pandeiro is waiting in London.

3 - This week sessions

Monday: 6.45 for 7 at Darwin
Wednesday: 6.15 for 6.30 at Romsey
Saturday: no session

4 - This weekend: Amazing workshops in London.

Marazul and Angoleiros do Mar: ZumZumZum a huge congregations of Professores and Mestres on the 14,15,16 May in London. Check here.

Amazonas: VOLTA AO MUNDO 2010 as well 14,15,16 May in London. Check here.

It would be nice to go one day to each and meet the different Mestres, Contra-mestres and capoeiristas from London and around the world.

Se não for essa semana, Paranà
É a semana que vem, Paranà .................Boa semana!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Rodas on friday and saturday - Capoeira get together next week

Dear Angoleir@s,

Let's start the street roda season... even if it is cold, at least sunlight stays till late...

So this Friday, bring your instrument, food, drinks and friend(s) to Mill Pond at 18h. We then will go further down the river to a quieter and nicer place. Please come on time as cold, sunlight and hunger don't wait. If you are late, print this map and try the different locations hehe

Also the Negaça group is having a Batizado on Saturday and a roda at noon. Let's go to support Capoeira instead of doing the normal session at Darwin. Time and place TBC.

It would be nice to create a common space for Capoeira to develop in Cambridge. We can start by screening movie and inviting other groups and hopefully end up by a weekly street roda! Next week, O Zelador screening at Darwin Cinema room . Spread the word! (Date: TBC)

Ate pronto!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ladainha - B-A-BA do Berimbau

Short note b4 translation
a: definite article feminin
o: definite article masculin
de: of
e: and
é: is

B-A-BA do Berimbau

Iê !
Eu vou ler o beabá ( I am gonna read the ABC)
O beabá do berimbau (the ABC of the berimbau) do= de + o
A cabaça e o caixixi (the gourd and the caixixi)
Com um pedaço de pau (with a piece of wood)
A moeda e o arame (the coin adn the wire) - note usually we call the coin: Dobrão which mean doubloon
Ai está o berimbau (here (it) is the berimbau)

Berimbau é um instrumento (berimbau is an instrument)
Tocado de uma corda só (played on a single string)
Prá tocar São Bento Grande (To play São Bento Grande )
Toque Angola em tom maior (Play Angola in major tune)
Agora acabei de crer (Now I've just realised)
O berimbau é o maior Camaradinha.(The berimbau is the greatest, comrade)