Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ladainha - B-A-BA do Berimbau

Short note b4 translation
a: definite article feminin
o: definite article masculin
de: of
e: and
é: is

B-A-BA do Berimbau

Iê !
Eu vou ler o beabá ( I am gonna read the ABC)
O beabá do berimbau (the ABC of the berimbau) do= de + o
A cabaça e o caixixi (the gourd and the caixixi)
Com um pedaço de pau (with a piece of wood)
A moeda e o arame (the coin adn the wire) - note usually we call the coin: Dobrão which mean doubloon
Ai está o berimbau (here (it) is the berimbau)

Berimbau é um instrumento (berimbau is an instrument)
Tocado de uma corda só (played on a single string)
Prá tocar São Bento Grande (To play São Bento Grande )
Toque Angola em tom maior (Play Angola in major tune)
Agora acabei de crer (Now I've just realised)
O berimbau é o maior Camaradinha.(The berimbau is the greatest, comrade)

1 comment:

  1. It is one of the languages in which I experienced the most difficult time trying to learn, thanks for these tips.
