Thursday, October 13, 2011

Capoeira music class ... the only one in Cambridge!!!!

Oi Pessoal,

Today is the music class down at Ross street community centre (CB1 3UZ) from 5.45 to 7.15 (Please enter through big blue door on Ross Street which says "hall users only).

 It is the only capoeira music class in cambridge, so please make the most of it. Especially since music is what brings the energy to the movements (and not the other way around!)

The full bateria functioning is explained together the different rythms and variations of all instruments (gunga, medio, viola, pandeiros, reco-reco, agogo and atabaque). We also learn different ladainhas and corridos.

Please support the class by coming... and don't forget your instrument if you have one!

Hope to see you there,

The Capoeira Angola Cambridge Team

1 comment:

  1. Ola,

    Meu nome eh Jailene, eu moro perto de Cambridge e na minha igreja em Cambs (Cherry Hinton) iremos ter um evento no final desse mes, e eu gostaria de saber se o seu grupo de capoeira faz apresentacoes em eventos? Fico aguardando a resposta. Obrigada.

    meu email eh:

    Jailene Souza
