Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lyrics + berimbaus + beginner workshop!

Dear all,

Please find below the lyrics of the songs we did this last mondays. They are on short version, feel free to expand them once you know these basic lines. Please, print this and bring them next Monday, or even better copy them into your lyrics notepad! ;-)

Chora menino

Nhem nhem nhem
Chora menino
Nhem nhem nhem
Menino chorou
Nhem nhem nhem
Porque nao mamou
Nhem nhem nhem
Menino danado
Nhem nhem nhem
Menino malvado
Nhem nhem nhem
cala boca menino
Nhem nhem nhem


E tu que e um moleque
Moleque e tu
E tu que e um moleque
Moleque e tu
Moleque danado
Moleque e tu
Moleque malvado
Moleque e tu
cala boca Moleque
Moleque e tu


O ligeiro o ligeiro
Eu tambem sou ligeiro
Eu quero ligeiro
Ela joga ligeiro

Eu sou angoleiro

Eu sou Angoleiro
E Angoleiro o que eu sou
Eu sou Angoleiro
Angoleiro sim senhor
Eu sou Angoleiro
Angoleiro de valor
Eu sou Angoleiro
Angoleiro de Salvador
Eu sou Angoleiro
Angoleiro de Salvador
Eu sou Angoleiro

Also, some of you already seen the nicely decorated, well sounding berimbau that just arrived for the group. It is really a bargain: 25quid with delivery included. Get yours here!

The beginner workshop will happen simultaneously as normal class tomorrow at 6.30. Here is a nice video of some placid games at Joao Grande's academy.

Ate amanha!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Capoeira Workshop - Change days and venue

Dear All,

Sorry for the late posting

Due to the low number of early registrations we are afraid we need to change the date and venue of the beginners workshop.

The workshop will take place next Wednesdays 24th Nov and 1st Dec from 6.30 to 8.30 at the Romsey Mill Centre (see map in the web below). We will divide the space in 2 so the beginner workshop will happen at the same time as the normal training. 

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Capoeira Angola: Schedule for the week (Wed OFF, Beginner workshop reminder)

Oi Mandingueir@s,

This week:
Monday - 7 to 9pm - Darwin College. Please come at 6.30 to prepare the space and the orchestra specially to make the most of the class as Wednesday is off. Aleix (Tartaruga) will be giving the class.
Wednesday - OFF. 
Thursday (Beginner workshop) as last week. This session is restricted to the people who attended the previous one. If you are a beginner and wanna join, please drop an email..
Saturday - 1-3pm - Darwin TBC - we are trying to get the space sorted, please drop email if interested.

For the music part, we have been singing: Sao bento me chama, chora menino, o la lae, paranaue,....drop an email if you are interested in having the lyrics. 

Até amanhá!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Beginner Workshop this Thursday - Please Confirm or register

Dear All,

Quem nunca viu, venha ver! - Venha ver, venha aprender! 

The time has come for the Capoeira Angola beginner workshop!! Are you ready for loads of fun, laughs, music, excitement, acrobatics, expression and joy? 

The workshop will run over 2 days: This Thursday 21Oct and next Thursday 28 Oct. (10 pounds for both days)
It will be from 7 to 9pm, at St Paul's Centre, Hills Rd. Exactly here.
A tshirt, long trousers, comfi trainers and a bottle of water will be enough to survive the 2 hours of great fun ;) 

Please confirm your attendance by sending an email or get registered if you hadn't. 

Thanks e até quinta feira.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Special guest + beginners' workshop! - Capoeira Angola Cambridge

Dear Angoleir@s,

We hope you are all prepared for next week, especially after the nice workout of Wednesday (omg, I still feel my legs.... ;) )

This Monday we have a special guest who will be teaching the class: Brian from Balanço Negro, currently teaching in Kenya. Tshirts available!
On Mondays we will focus more on music and  then movements, and even make a rodinha if time allows. 
Monday: 7-9pm - Darwin college, common room

Wednesday: 6.30-8.30 - Romsey mill centre.

THURSDAY: beginner workshop at St Pauls, Hills road,(map here), 7 to 9pm. The nicest introduction to Capoeira: music, moves and history mixed with good vibes and malandragem, yeah! Everybody is welcome! 

We are afraid that this Saturday 16th and next 23rd, Darwin College is not available for training.

Now you can join the facebook group here!

Até logo!

Friday, October 8, 2010

This Saturday OFF - Cambridge alternative

Dear all,

I am afraid this Saturday we cannot use the space at Darwin. However, Senzala Cambridge (M. Gato) is having a batizado from tonight to sunday.
Mestre Carlao who teaches Capoeira Angola in London @ Kabula will be attending (and probably teaching) on Saturday.

Otherwise next Monday classes resume normally on Monday and Wednesday.

See you soon!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

This week schedule - Capoeira Angola

Dear all,

Monday session as usual from 7 to 9pm
Wednesday no class.
Saturday: self training 1 to 3pm

See you!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Schedule for rest of September

Dear Angoleir@s,

We are afraid the rest of September classes are cancelled, except for Monday 20th September.

~~~~ Capoeira Angola Cambridge ~~~~
for more info and contacts,  check http://capoeiraangolacambridge.blogspot.com/

Cada um é cada um - Mestre Pastinha

Monday, August 30, 2010

This week capoeira is cancelled + capoeira project in syria - UNICEF report

Dear Angoleir@s,

This week capoeira is cancelled.

BTW, capoeira reaches far, and it helps children, teenageers and adults everywhere in the globe to face their daily lifes. Check the Unicef report about: In Syria, 'capoeira' helps Palestinian-Iraqi children heal psycho-social wounds

Do not forget to practice some rabo de arraia (Jah-boo da-"hi"-ah) and songs!

Boa semana!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mestre Roberval in the UK

Hi there,

M. Roberval is in the UK, take a look at the schedule below and take the chance to train with him!
Also we are trying to arrange so he can come in Cambridge but this is TBC.

Saturday 7th August-
Kabula - Thanet Centre, Chalk Farm (Northern Line), Herbert Street, NW5 4HD. 1:30pm-4:30pm £10

Sunday 8th August- Hargrave Park School, Bredgar road, Archway 12.00pm -3:30  £10

Monday 9th August-East London Capoeira, The Geffrye, Community Centre, Falkirk Street, N1. 7.00pm - 9.00pm, Call Simon: 07779031273

Tuesday 10th & Thursday 12th August-
Hargrave Park School, Bredgar road, N10 5JN. Archway(Northern Line),  7pm-9pm £8

Friday 13th, 14th & 15th August- Amazonas Brighton (Details will follow soon) or call Boneco: 07919586299, £30 for 3 days or £15 for one day.

Call Brisa (Amazonas group) on 07984537020 for more details

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

This Wednesday at 7pm! - Capoeira Angola

Oi Galera,

This wednesday we start a bit later at Romsey Mill, see you there at 7pm!

Ate quarta-feira!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Capoeira CANCELLED this Wednesday

Sorry Angoleir@s,

This Wednesday the class is cancelled :-( 

But capoeira is in you so you can take the opportunity to go through internet or cds and learn some songs! 
Here is a free online translator.  
And some nice lyrics  here, and here, also some time ago we talked about  women in capoeira, maybe this song shows the changes that have been ocurring: here

See you next week!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Capoeira angola: schedule this week + new pandeiro is here!!!

Dear mandingueir@s,

this week:
Monday 7pm @ Darwin
Wednesday 6.30 @ Romsey Mill Centre
Saturday Cancelled

Thanks to everybody again for the donations that allowed the group to have a brand new, gorgeous, light and good sounding pandeiro. Thanks to the Richard, who kindly picked it up from London!

Ate logo!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Capoeira Angola: Saturday cancelled, nice blog

Dear All,

First of all, a warm welcome to the newcomers! (even the weather is helping with this :-) )

I am afraid this Saturday class is cancelled but next week as usual:
-Monday 19h @ Darwin
-Wednesday 18h30 @ Romsey Mill Centre

If you miss capoeira during the weekend, this blog is really good. For example about o corpo fechado

See you next week!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Capoeira Angola: wednesday + pandeiros to sell + roda in London

Dear Mandingueir@s,

This Wednesday session at Romsey as usual. Be ready at 6.20.
On Monday we learnt the song "Vou me embora pra Angola" - nbr 24 from Nzinga CD and revised Adeus Adeus nbr 15 from Nzinga CD. Please ask if you dont have the CD yet.

Pedro Lima, an excellent musician and music pedagogue has arrived from Brazil and brought some top quality pandeiros for a good price. Let me know if you want one.

Actually there will be a nice roda at Kabula on Thursday in Dalston (London). I am not sure whether I can make it but let me know if you plan to go as there is still a pandeiro for the group waiting there.

Have a good week!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wednesday cancelled - Pandeiro waiting in London

Oi Galera,

This Wednesday the session at Romsey Mill is cancelled. Sorry we cannot use the space.

Also there is a pandeiro for the group waiting in London. If anybody goes to London it would be cool if we could arrange to collect it.

Have a nice week and boa viagem!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Capoeira Angola: saturday OFF - Community group in London

Dear Angoleir@s,

This Saturday the session is cancelled. If you need instruments to do a session, email back asap.

The Nueva Generacion group -Alunos da Vida- in London has found another space after being kicked out of the Vauxhall Community Centre. They play on Mondays at 7 in Stockwell (Stockwell Park Community Trust)  for free, just bring fruits. Check details here.

Enjoy the sunshine!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Romsey Mill session cancelled - street session ON

Dear Angoleir@s,

Tomorrow we might end up playing in the street close to Jesus Ln, weather permitting. We might be able to play in "The Shop" though, small fee will be collected to pay for the space -around 3 quid- but this is still TBC. Stay tuned!

C u tomorrow

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Capoeira Angola: music + saturday off + monday on

Dear Angoleir@s,

This Wednesday we learnt "Manteiga Derramou" - song number 31 from  Nzinga CD. The ones who weren't there have no excuse not to learn it :)

For Saturday: if you want to train drop an email b4 Friday, otherwise session is cancelled.

For Monday: Session is ON even if Bank holiday.

Have a nice week end!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

M Valmir from FICA is coming to London!!

Dear Cambridge Angoleir@s,

Please find a nice example of an inter-group partnership in London. M Valmir is a co-founder of FICA, a well established world-wide group. See email below.
Should we go next WE? :-) (On Saturdays at Kabula there is street roda in Camden Lock.)


Hello everybody! Bom Dia a todos

M Valmir from FICA is coming to London!! He will be on:

M Valmir esta vindo para londer ele vai estar no:

Monday 24th at KABULA Stockwell YMCA on stockwell road 7.00pm 9.00pm. more info 07989480594

Wednesday 26th at Grupo de Capoeira Angola London - 26th of May from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at The Claremont Project 24-27 White Lion St London N1 9PD Angel tube station Buses: 73, 214, 205, 476, 30, 38...

Thursday at Grupo de Capoeira Angola Nottingham - 27th of May from 6.00pm to 9.00pm at Thomas Helyws Church, Church St. Lenton Nottingham Contact phone Juliet 07903114248

Friday 28th He will visit the Marazul Roda with Mestre Joazinho www.marazul.co.uk.

Satuday 29th at Kabula near Chalk Farm tube (Thanet Centre in Herbert Street) 1.00pm to 4.00pm

Sunday at Amazonas 30th of May from 1pm-3.30pm at Hargrave Park School, Bredgar Rd. N19 5JN (Nearest Tube is Archway or Tufnell Park), Buses: C11, 134, 171, 2, 243, 17.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Capoeira Angola Newsletter - video screening + berimbau workshop + training

Dear Angoleir@s,

Just to let you know that the workshop Zumzumzum in London was Ammmaaaaaazing!!!!!!!! more infos and pics soon.

This week:
1 - Film screening: O-Zelador - Registration required.
2 - Berimbau workshop on Sat
3 - Trainings

1 - Film screening: O-Zelador - Registration required.
This Friday @ 7pm in the Darwin TV room - free. It is not a big room so please register here, otherwise we cannot warranty a sit. All Capoeiristas are more than welcome, non-Capoeiristas welcome as well! The more diverse we are, the more enriching the experience will be! 
This film is a documentary that illustrates perfectly where capoeira comes from and which role it can play in some societies. See the trailer here.

2 - Berimbau workshop this saturday. 
After the training we will take some time to learn how to maintain your berimbau (and the dos and donts). Bring the following tools, otherwise you cannot practice which is the important bit.
- 1 Lineman's pliers (US English), also called combination plier (2 is much better)
- steel wire of 1mm (can be 0.9mm) - (called piano wire as well) You can buy a packet of 100grams (several meters) for 3-5pounds. At least bring 2m.
- steel file - rather small if possible.
- Linseed oil (optional)
- your berimbau if you have one - come even if you have not one!

3 - Trainings
Mon  6.45 - 9 @ Darwin
Wed  6.15 - 8.30 @ Romsey
Sat    1 - 3 @ Darwin

We'll keep on boosting the bateria so learn the songs before coming! :-)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Capoeira Angola Newsletter - pictures, instruments and workshops

Dear Angoleir@s,

Spring seems to fade away but at least here comes Capoeira to warm our souls ;-)

1 - Past Weekend event
2 - Music instruments have arrived!
3 - This week sessions
4 - This week-end: Amazing workshops in London.


1 - Past Weekend event

This past week-end Negaca had hosted a nice event where all Cambridge groups have been more than welcome. Let's try to keep the spirit and build up a larger Capoeira community in Cambridge with more events and street rodas! See below some pictures of the Batizado ceremony.

2 - Music instruments have arrived!

Finally, after being trapped 2 extra weeks due to flying volcano ashes, a new pandeiro and reco-reco arrived. Thanks to all for your kind donations. Another pandeiro is waiting in London.

3 - This week sessions

Monday: 6.45 for 7 at Darwin
Wednesday: 6.15 for 6.30 at Romsey
Saturday: no session

4 - This weekend: Amazing workshops in London.

Marazul and Angoleiros do Mar: ZumZumZum a huge congregations of Professores and Mestres on the 14,15,16 May in London. Check here.

Amazonas: VOLTA AO MUNDO 2010 as well 14,15,16 May in London. Check here.

It would be nice to go one day to each and meet the different Mestres, Contra-mestres and capoeiristas from London and around the world.

Se não for essa semana, Paranà
É a semana que vem, Paranà .................Boa semana!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Rodas on friday and saturday - Capoeira get together next week

Dear Angoleir@s,

Let's start the street roda season... even if it is cold, at least sunlight stays till late...

So this Friday, bring your instrument, food, drinks and friend(s) to Mill Pond at 18h. We then will go further down the river to a quieter and nicer place. Please come on time as cold, sunlight and hunger don't wait. If you are late, print this map and try the different locations hehe

Also the Negaça group is having a Batizado on Saturday and a roda at noon. Let's go to support Capoeira instead of doing the normal session at Darwin. Time and place TBC.

It would be nice to create a common space for Capoeira to develop in Cambridge. We can start by screening movie and inviting other groups and hopefully end up by a weekly street roda! Next week, O Zelador screening at Darwin Cinema room . Spread the word! (Date: TBC)

Ate pronto!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ladainha - B-A-BA do Berimbau

Short note b4 translation
a: definite article feminin
o: definite article masculin
de: of
e: and
é: is

B-A-BA do Berimbau

Iê !
Eu vou ler o beabá ( I am gonna read the ABC)
O beabá do berimbau (the ABC of the berimbau) do= de + o
A cabaça e o caixixi (the gourd and the caixixi)
Com um pedaço de pau (with a piece of wood)
A moeda e o arame (the coin adn the wire) - note usually we call the coin: Dobrão which mean doubloon
Ai está o berimbau (here (it) is the berimbau)

Berimbau é um instrumento (berimbau is an instrument)
Tocado de uma corda só (played on a single string)
Prá tocar São Bento Grande (To play São Bento Grande )
Toque Angola em tom maior (Play Angola in major tune)
Agora acabei de crer (Now I've just realised)
O berimbau é o maior Camaradinha.(The berimbau is the greatest, comrade)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

This wednesday rescheduled

Dear Mandingueir@s,

sorry for the late notice. The Session for this Wednesday @ Romsey Mill Centre has been rescheduled. We will start at 7h30 and finish at 9ish.
Music, Movements and lots of fun as usual !

Please refresh the songs we learned on monday (The following are short extracts of the songs, you can find more lead lines  here.) Enjoy!

boa viagem
Adeus (Bye)
boa viagem (Bon voyage)
adeus, adeu
boa viagem
eu vou (I go)
boa viagem
eu vou, eu vou

Sinho Sao Bento 
a cobra me morde (A cobra bites me)
Sinho Sao Bento (Sir Saint Benedict)
a cobra mordeu (A cobra has bitten)
Sinho Sao Bento

Sao Bento me chama  
Sao Bento me chama (Saint Benedict calls me)
Sao Bento chamou (Saint Benedict has called)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Capoeira Angola Newsletter

Dear Angoleir@s,

1 - Weekly trainings
2 - Songs
3 - Soul 4 soul Gig
4 - ZumZumZum workshop in London (Marazul + Angoleiros do Mar + Guests)

1 - This week trainings as usual:
  • monday - Darwin: 18h45 for a 19h start
  • wednesday - Romsey Mill Centre: 18h15 for 18h30 start.
  • Saturday - Darwin from 1 to 3.

2 - We are trying to boost the bateria... which is really improving. Congratulations to all!
We have been revising: Camungere, Tim tim tim la vai viola, Santo Antonio E Protetor, O la lai, Chora capoeira
This week more: eu sou angoleiro, boa viagem, Sinho Sao Bento, Sao Bento me chama. From the photocopies or check here.

3 - Paul is bringing some "Soul 4 Soul" at LaRaza this Friday together with Bijoumiyo. A lot of great funky artists in the same spot. Check it here and poster attached.

4 - Very big workshop.... maybe too big for a weekend.... Definitely a huge congregations of Professores and Mestres on the 14,15,16 May in London. Check the attached flyer.
I just know 2 Mestres and 2 Prof from there but looks a good event to get in contact with the London Angola scene. Check it here.

Have a good week!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Capoeira Angola Newsletter - Lots of fun!

Dear All,

1 - This Week schedule - Romsey is BACK!
2 - Street Rodas' season starting soon
3 - Dance Offensive strikes London 1-3 May
4 - Beautiful songs


1 - Monday @ Darwin 6.45 to 9.
Wednesday @ Romsey Mill Ctre 6.15 to 8.30
Saturday - Cannot play @ darwin
We will putting more emphasis on music (and other game aspects) to be able to perform street rodas soon

2 - Weather is getting better and the Bateria is improving a lot. So we can start thinking about nice spots to have streets rodas. We started a map, here feel free to suggest more spots. You can get inspired with the picture of last Sunday in Brick Lane, London @ 4pm. It was a bit cold but great fun!

3 - Our Dance Offensive friends (Aaron and Tom) are raiding London on the 1st WE of May under Paul's direction. For a great show, check more infos here. Or of you are interested on similar activities in Cambridge, check here.

4 - Check song 19 and revise songs 3, 4, and 20 from the Nzinga CD - We need to know the songs properly before " sair pelo mundo afora"! :) Lyrics here.

Ate logo!

Brick Ln, London. Sunday 11th

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wednesdays training at the Shop! (7th and 14th April)

Dear All,

We managed to get the Shop rented for 2h tomorrow 7th April and next week (14th April). We will have to pay a small fee depending to cover the rent (between 2 and 4 pounds depending on how many people we are). This is even more in Jesus Lane - city centre, exactly here.  From 7 to 9pm.

Music, movements and rodinha as usual!

Ate pronto!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Monday training

Dear all,

It is great to find Angoleir@s who are still around and motivated pra jogar e tocar. Hence we'll have normal training at Darwin at 7 as usual -music and moves.

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This wednesday cancelled + Romsey Mill closed the other 2 + Music alternative

Sorry, this wednesday is cancelled. The next 2 week the Romsey Mill Centre is closed. I've updated the calendar but to sum up: 31st March,  7 and 14th April NO Capoeira.

We keep the sessions on Mondays for the ones who are still around. I will check whether we can use the Darwin space more this next 3 weeks. If you are aware of any other possible space, let me know.

As an alternative, we could train at least music those wednesdays at my house (I have a big living room and most instruments). I live very close to darwin. Please contact Aleix if you are interested.

Wednesday singing! + lyrics + this Saturday cancelled but....

Oi Angoleir@s!

As you may have noticed in the different music cds, you probably agree that angoleir@s are not famous for their fine-tuning while singing, yet they manage to emanate an amazing energy... This Wednesday we gonna try to conciliate both by learning a bit how to control the singing, enjoy it more and project even more energy!

To help with that, we are giving some CDs so you can get used to the songs. I do not have time to write them down and translate them all. Please take some time to help filling the document. (thanks to those who have already). The idea is to have the songs, meanings, and translations in one document.

Unfortunately this Saturday we were supposed to train in Darwin but there has been an administrative issue, and the room was booked b4 us. The good news are the following: instead of Capoeira there is a Pukulan Pecutan workshop to raise money for a charity (http://www.merlin.org.uk/). (For more information, please send an email to Lee Wilson.)  I've seen some and it is quite hardcore in terms of the power and aggressivity of the hits -there are no ambiguities as in Capoeira ;) . But they hit only from extremely close (not like "normal" straight karate punches), so they need to play very close as in the Jogo de Dentro in Capoeira, and it will be interesting to see how they break in the "Corpo Fechado". They have some floor moves similar to negativas and tesouras but they use them instead to break legs... sounds nasty but it is straight forward and would be good to learn.... anyway since  you already know the move, you might as well use it in this way if required. As Bimba said: "Only boulders face the tempest"... but "If the guys runs after you, then he is being abusive. Stop unexpectedly and stick the "ferro" in his belly". That is Capoeira as well.... However if somebody knows about another place to train on Saturday (big living room, gym, college rooms,etc I will be happy to hear about it.

Ate pronto

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Boa Viagem! - Women - Saturdays YEAH!!!! 1-3pm - louvaçãos

Hi all,

Boa viagem (bon voyage!)  to all that go away for holidays. Thanks for today's session, it was nice to have such a big Bateria!

It was cool to carry on the discussion about gender equality as well. It would be cool if some of you did a few "parana" lines to state your own thoughts.

From now on we can train on Saturdays at Darwin from 1 to 3pm YEAH!. It will not be a "formatted" session. I will bring the instruments and be around practising some movements. I can help you with whatever you need (music or moves). It sounds weird but it is when you play alone that you learn the most, and of course we'll play some games together :-). Come and experience the freedom of moves! Not all Saturdays are available. Check the calendar first AND drop me an email to confirm or call me...Just to make sure somebody is there with the stereo and some instruments... 

Some louvaçãos to get inspired (I've separated the ones that go together)
Iê, viva meu mestre -Live my master
Iê, quem me ensinou - that taught me
Iê, a malandragem - the Malandragem
Iê, da Capoeira - of Capoeira

Iê, hora é hora (time is time, meaning the time has come)

Iê, galo cantou - cock sang
Iê, cocorocô - cocoriddledoo 

Iê, joga prá lá - play towards there
Iê, joga prá cá - play towards here

Iê, vamos embora - let's go
Iê, pelo mundo afora - to the outside world

Iê, é mandingueiro - (he) is a mandingueiro
Iê, é cabeceiro - (he) is a cabeceiro 

Iê, menino é bom - (the) kid from the street is good
Iê, sabe jogar - (he) knows (how) to play

Ate pronto!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Women and Capoeira: an example

Dear Angoleir@s,

After having had this topic in the back of our mind these last weeks, today we had a good example of how it is not clear where the boundaries are.
Today Britta sang in the Roda, within the Paraná corrido:
A mulher pra ser bonita, Paraná,
Não precisa se pintar, Paraná.
Because in her opinion and many others, a women doesn't need make up to be pretty.

On the other hand, Aleix didn't feel comfortable with those lines even if they were sung by a woman, as it might have some indirect misogynistic connotations due to the following corrido which diabolizes make up:
A mulher pra ser bonita, Paraná,
Não precisa se pintar, Paraná.
A pintura é do demônio, Paraná.
Beleza é Deus quem dá, Paraná.

A woman to be pretty, Paraná,
Doesn't need to wear make up, Paraná.
Make up is from the devil, Paraná.
Beauty is God that gives, Paraná (It is God that gives beauty)

So what do you think? Where is the boundary?
Why don't you write down some lines for the corrido about the same idea (Women do not need make up) but different words? This would be a genuine expression of gender equality! Let's try the new lines this Wednesday and break the links with old-school misogynistic corridos!

Please feel free to add your comments at the end of this post entry!

Ate quarta feira!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Reminder: Mondays at 7pm from now on, yeah!

Dear All,

We finally got 2h in a row to practice on Mondays on a regular basis, yeeeahhhh!

The session structure will be then (roughly)
7 - 7.30: music
7.30 - 8.45: movements
8.45 - 9 : Rodinha

Once you start, Capoeira is a never ending story... so no Capoeira holidays, ha!
Please let us know if you come regularly and you went away for holidays.

I will be there from 18h30 stretching berimbaus and settings things up. People that want to learn more about instruments or practice more, you are welcome to come by then.

I remind you there is the women talk tonight, get registered!
Ate amanha!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Capoeira and Women discussion

Dear Capoeiristas,

After Monday Womens'  Roda, we would like to invite you to continue the discussion about Women and Capoeira. We thought a good topic would be to reveal the representations of Women in Capoeira through the lyrics.
Vitoria Aranha will chair the discussion. For those who don't know her, she has exteeensive Capoeira experience both in Brazil and the UK.
Everybody is welcome regardless of their gender, capoeira affiliation and experience (non-capoeiristas are welcome as well).
As a basis for the discussion we strongly recommend reading this article. This post can be used for further discussion.
We will be meeting through Skype this Sunday 14th at 8pm (might be 9pm if special guest joins). Please register here if you are interested. We'll keep you updated of this and further discussions/events!
Make sure your skype gear is ready well before the talk to avoid disappointments! ;)

Speak soon!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Capoeira Workshop in Social Centre 6th March

Ey, here are the pics!
Thanks to all for sharing the space and bringing capoeira to where it belongs.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Monday @ 7pm + Roda for women's day @ 8h30!

Dear Angoleiros and specially Angoleiras,

Tomorrow it is Women's day so let's have a nice Roda for respect and against gender discrimination (which unfortunately also happens in Capoeira).
We will do some songs in which women play the main role.
  • Dona Maria, Como Vai Você
  • Dona Maria do Camboata
  • Ai ai ai Aidê
  • Doralice
  • Sai Catarina
  • Santa Maria Mae de Deus

It would be nice if somebody could speak a bit about women's day and how capoeira can help fighting gender discrimination and how to avoid reinforcing it.

From now on, let's start session at 19h on Mondays! Be there for 18h45 to help setting up things.

Ate amanhã!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Chora Capoeira

-- Chora capoeira --

Chora capoeira,
capoeira chora,
chora capoeira,
Mestre Pastinha foi se embora - Chora!

Chora capoeira,
capoeira chora,
chora capoeira,
Mestre Pastinha foi se embora

Mestre Pastinha foi embora
Por favor tire o chapéu
Mas não vai chorar agora,
Mestre Pastinha foi pro céu. - Chora!

Chora capoeira,
capoeira chora,
chora capoeira,
Mestre Pastinha foi se embora.

There are more wordings for the verse, just google them if fancy more.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Angola Newsletters

Dear All,

Here there is a list of upcoming Capoeira Angola events in London.
  1. Special class with Kabula with M. Joazinho (Marazul) as Guest next Sat. Infos
  2. Urban Ritual on 7th March (is a big open roda in a big nice "club", mostly for Angoleiros). Infos.
  3. Marazul workshop (probably too many teachers for such a short time 4h...) but nice to get in contact with the London Angola Scene and get a feeling of different teaching styles / vibes. 13th March 2010, from 2-6pm Infos
See email below for more info. 

Remember to learn the corridos from last week (and ladainha), and please arrive ealier (7.15 for a 7.30 start).

See you tomorrow!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ladainha + songs


Lá no céu tem três estrelas
todas as três em carreirinha
uma é minha a outra é sua
a outra vai ficar sózinha

Translation, litteral translation in brackets

Lá | no | céu | tem | três | estrelas
Here |in the| sky | there are (has)| three | stars
todas | as | três | em | carreirinha
all | (the) | three| in | a row
uma | é | minha| a | outra | é | sua
one | is | mine | the | other | is | yours
a | outra | vai | ficar | sózinha
the | other | will | become | alone/sad


Foi aghora que eu chegeui
Me mandarom me chamar
Para ver os Angoleiros
Pra podemos vadiar

Foi aghora que eu chegeui
Me mandarom me chamar
Para ver os Angoleiros
Pra podemos vadiar

Pra podemos vadiar
Pra podemos vadiar
Berimbau 'ta me chamando
Eu nao posso demorar

Carnaval Roda!

Here are some pictures!
Thanks to Emma for taking the them!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Capoeira songs

Olá angoler@s!

We thought it would be cool to keep a record of the songs we learn every
week, so here's an update of the very last singles :-)

Text after * is the chorus

Chora viola (Cry viola)

Chora viola
Viola Chorou
Viola danada
Viola malvada
Viola de Angola

Chora menino (Cry little kid)

Nhem nhem nhem
Chora menino
*Nhem nhem nhem
O menino chorou
*Nhem nhem nhem
Porque não mamou
*Nhem nhem nhem
Cala a boca menino
*Nhem nhem nhem
O menino danado
*Nhem nhem nhem
O menino malvado
*Nhem nhem nhem

Bom dia!

Até amanhá!


Monday, February 22, 2010

Great!! + this Monday 7pm start: extra music!

Hi all,

We had a great long Roda on Saturday - full of energy and respect. Over 1h30 playing! But don´t worry if you weren't there, we'll post some pics soon!

This Monday, the Common room is freed exceptionally 30min before, so let´s start at 7pm and play music till 7.45, so people can still catch up with the moves (7.45-9)

C u!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

This Saturday - Roda do Carnaval !!!!

Dear Angoleir@s!

We have been invited to perform a roda at the Darwin College Bar for the Carnaval night (brazilian music, caipirinhas, mojitos,...and us!!! )

We'll be playing some rhythms, making a roda, and playing some samba as well.

Come along to play and have some fun! We'll be around from 8ish for a 9 start.

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

back to the roots

Hi all,

Saturday class in London was great (2h with Prof. Njoli (FICA NYC) + 1h Mestre Carlão (Kabula) + 1h roda). People from 10 different groups were there.
Actually it made me rethink about our "pedagogy" together with some good feedback I've received from the sessions here in cambridge.

Because we actually don't train that much, let's keep things simple. Let's go back to the roots and concentrate on the dialogue within the capoeira game. It is great to have a fluid conversation with someone, especially when reinforcing each other arguments, then even if the conversation is kept simple, it emanates a powerful beauty.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Saturday in London

Hi Angoleir@s,

This saturday we will go to Kabula's class. Unfortunately Boca do Rio has cancelled all classes in London. However, in compensation, a part from Mestre Carlao (Kabula), this Saturday there will be Professor NJoli from the group of Fica New York City (US). So anyway it is a very good possibility to get in contact with the Capoeira Angola community in London.

Class from 12.30 to 3pm then roda from 3 to 4.30.
We will have student reduction, which will make it 10 pounds.

Will be leaving around 10am, please drop an email to confirm.

Have a good day.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Jeje + toques + carnaval

Hi Angoleir@s,

Today we did the Jeje rhythm, and it sounds like the viola in here. (She does a lot of variations though). The basic rhythm +  2 small variations (starting in where the angola rhythm mutes,  | is a bar, meaning you are starting again)
dong chi dong chi dong | dong chi dong chi dong
dong chi dong chi do-do | dong chi dong chi dong
dong chi dong chi do-ding | dong chi dong chi dong

You can find written toques here. Some are slightly different like Santa Maria or samba de roda, and there is no Cavalaria de Angola. Print them and bring them along, I can show you how to read them (quite easy for most).

Last but not least, Darwin College has a Carnaval on Saturday night  the 20th. It would be cool to do a small music performance and roda. Let me know if you are up for it, and do come next monday to set it up. We probably can make a deal with the bar as well ;). But as the Corpo Fechado philosophy says: "Dia de roda não bebo, em mulher não ponho a mão"... or at least till the roda is finished ;)

 C u Wednesday!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Monday + next saturday in London?

Dear Angoleir@s,

As usual, this monday at 19h30, Darwin common room. Please be punctual... ;-P

As a reminder of the samba rythms we started with the pandeiro, here is the basic rythm: (try to repeat it in your head even if you don't have a pandeiro to practice, you cannot play what you cannot sing anyway....)
tum (thumb) chi chi chi 

tum (thumb) chi chi tum (middle finger)
tum (thumb) chi chi pa (slap)

And now you can combine this for example into Samba Exaltação:
tum chi chi pa tum chi chi tum 

Regarding next Saturday, there is an interesting possibility to do a lot of Capoeira Angola with 2 good mestres: Carlão and Boca do Rio and hopefully roda at the end.. It will be from 12h45 till 5 near Chalk Farm in London. I will go and I think I can get reductions, especially if there is some of us. It will be fun! There will most probably be people from different groups (Kabula, FICA, Amazonas,  etc...) We could leave around 10am and be back by 7pm.
For more info check kabula.org.

See Carlão here, and Boca do Rio here and here (actually Figura comes often to Kabula Rodas...)

Kabula, the group hosting the class, is very open, so it is a great opportunity to get in touch with the Capoeira Angola scene in London.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

wednesday cancelled (3rd February)

Oi galera,

I am sorry to announce that due to sickness we cannot open the Romsey Mill Centre today (3rd February) ....

Sorry for the short delay :-(

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Monday - thanks - ads

Hi Angoleir@s!

First of all thanks for the donations so far, there is a reco-reco in the way for the group. A reco-reco is a güiro which is something like this.

Monday as usual @ 19h30 in Darwin Common Room. Please be punctual and help setting up the space.

If you have some time and go to "cool" places (non-university related preferred), please drop some of this flyers (small, big). Cheers!

Ate amanhá!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednesday 27th Jan session cancelled

Oi Galera,

Due to sickness we won't be able to play this Wednesday 27th Jan. The session at Romsey Mill Centre is cancelled.

Apologies for the short notice and hopefully see you on Monday!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

This monday!

Hi Angoleir@s!

This Monday as usual @ 19h30 at Darwin: music, moves and rodinha!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We just have the space for 1.5h theoretically so please do come punctually and be changed and ready to play in time so you can help me setting up the instruments, music and arranging the furniture. Otherwise we end up plating less than 1h, which I find a shame.... :(

It would be great if you can memorize the following lines....or at least read them ;-P
If anyone spots a typo, please let me know ;)

Onde vai caiman? (Where are you going alligator?)
Caiman Caiman

Ave Maria meu Deus
Nunca vi casa nova cair (I've never seen a new house collapse)
Eu ja vi casa velha cair  (I've already seen an old house collapse)
Nunca vi casa nova cair

Jogo de dentro, jogo de fora (Inner game, outer game)
Jogo Bonito eu quero ver agora (Nice game I'd like to see now)

Ate amanhá!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Ey maybe it is time to learn and imitate this kids ;) 

Photo from R Doisneau
rue des peupliers, paris 13è - 1936

Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday... Rodinha!!!!!!

Ready for a great capoeira session?!! Let's do a nice roda at the end!

Could you memorize the following lines of 3 songs? They are easy and we did them for a long while. Next class we will start with others.

Jogo de dentro, jogo de fora
Jogo bonito eu quero ver agora

Ai ai ai ai 
São Bento me chama

Dona  Maria do Camboatá
Ela chega na venda e manda botar

See you at 19h30 (try to be there in good time and help setting up the instruments and room) I will be there from 19h.

Ate amanhã!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Capoeira is back!

Happy new year dear Angoleir@s!

I know you cannot wait to start Capoeira again! So don't worry, let's meet next Wednesday 13th at 18h30 at Romsey Mill Centre.
As usual: music, moves and welcoming roda!!!!!!!!! (Bring your own instruments if you have them)

By the way, it could be nice to start another day, where we could focus on pandeiro (rather samba but capoeira music as well) and then do some moves as well. Something like saturdays between 12h and 14h. Does anybody know any other space available in Cambridge? Anything is welcome.

A soltar mandinga!